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You should draw up important documents which can help you to make a contract for example with the Jobcenter or for the lawyer.

It is also possible, to make copies and put it at a good friends place.


This documents or copies could be necessary:

  • Salary Statement

  • Passport of you and your children

  • Hiring contract

  • Bills of Electricity and Water

  • Statements of Accounts of the past three months

  • Social insurance identify card, income tax card

  • Birth certification, marriage certification, credentials, health insurance card

  • Account book and securities

  • Contract of sale or credit


I want to break up - What is next?

Whenever you consider breaking up with your boyfriend or husband, you will face several emotional, material and legal problems. These questions are much more difficult to answer, when the relationship is affected by violence at home.

Then it is important to know:


Who helps me with my problems?

What kind of rights do I have?

What happens with my children?


In our counselling centre we can answer you general questions about the violence protection law and about separation and divorcement.


We can inform you about the legal costs and counselling fees. Our Consultation is without charge, anonymous and absolutely confidential.



Frauen helfen Frauen e.V.

Theaterstr. 42, 52062 Aachen

 0241 902416



Open times:


mondays, thursdays and fridays:
09:00 til 12:00 o´clock

tuesdays: 15:00 til 17:00 o´clock


For other appointments please call!


Financial issues


Alimony: When the alimony is still not clarified (either legally by a lawyer or declared) or you got in financial crises because of the separation or violence you can receive money from the government. The Jobcenter from the StädteRegion Aachen is obligated by law to accept your application and asses your claim. Your husband has also a duty to provide information about his earning.


Do you have your own bank account?

If not, please do so! An own bank account is a condition to receive money from the government.


If you have children it is recommended to apply for financial support offered by the government.


Governmental Support

The public agencies will calculate your financial demand. Here, your alimony, child benefits and the support from the Jobcenter are considered.

You have to prove your break-up in satisfactory manner, for example with a lawyer’s letter. Please be aware that money will be paid from the day of your application – not with retroactive effect!



If you want to live separately with your former partner, and you earnings are low, additional support for living can be granted, named Wohnberechtigungsschein (WBS). You can apply at the public offices of the local authorities.


Please take into account that there are official rules limiting the size and price of your apartment.


Important: Do not sign any contracts without consulting your Jobcenter.



Violence shelter

If you have to leave your Apartment because of violence at home, you always have the alternative to live in a domestic violence shelter for a while.



Right of Child Custody

If you or your children had been affected by domestic violence, you can already negotiate the right of child custody and visitation rights before the actual divorce.


Stadt Aachen

Mozartstr. 2-10, 52068 Aachen

 0241 432-0


Wohnberechtigungsschein (WBS)
Stadt Aachen

Hackländerstr. 1, 52064 Aachen

 0241 432-0


Money for Children
Bundesagentur für Arbeit–Familienkasse

Roermonder Str. 51, 52072 Aachen

 0800 4 5555 30



Jobcenter der StädteRegion Aachen

Gut-Dämme-Str. 14, 52070 Aachen

 0241 88681-0

U 25: Roermonder Str. 51, 52072 Aachen



Stadt Aachen

Hackländerstr. 1, 52064 Aachen

 0241 432-0


District court


Adalbertsteinweg 92, 52070 Aachen

 0241 9425-0


Domestic Violence shelter
in Aachen

 0241 470450


for free in the urban area of Aachen

 0800 1110444




in Alsdorf

 02404 91000

Gefördert durch:

 Städte Region Aachen 

 Logo Ministerium